Thursday 20 March 2014
Late last year I bought two washing machines, one for the clinic and one for the house, I had got rather tired of doing the clinic and baby bird towels in my washing machine and then bumping into the occasional mouse head or tail in my own washing, not fun as you can imagine. The one in the Clinic which is not a hoover apparently works fine, no fuss, it just does the washing and the spinning regardless of how much or little you put in there. Not so the Hoover, it is a piece of crap to put not to fine a point on it, I have complained a number of times because generally it refuses to spin with monotous regularity. I have been told by the people who I bought it from that I have been putting too much weight in, I have however been told by the engineer who came to fix it that I have not been putting in enough weight. I don't want to have to weigh my damn washing, I just want a machine that will work, I don't want nine million programmes I want a machine that works, and this one does not. DON'T BUY A HOOVER Washing Machine!!

Sedge had his second laser treatment, we were disappointed that there was no improvement, he will have two more before we consider that this is not going to help. He has his first Hydrotherapy session tomorrow, unfortunately I
Sedge with his new blanket in the cart
have to go to Hereford for an eye appointment, so staff and friends will go with him, I hope he is not upset by water, I think he will be OK. Emma, Jimmi's girlfriend made a blanket for him, which he loves and as the weather is getting worse, it will be very useful. Ginny sent he two more coats, and I have just bought him a dog safety belt for the car as he has to travel to all these appointments. It is hard to see him like this for so long, and not know if he is ever going to get mobile again. I went on the internet and found a treatment that has worked in the US, and I emailed the lady on the site, amazingly and I was very touched, she emailed back, but sadly the drug is only any use in the first 48 hours of the injury, and no use after that. You would think there was something that could help spinal cords recover, or someone who could tell you what the chances are.

We now have two baby Verreaux's Eagles, the second one of the first clutch hatched at 7.30pm last night, Holly may come down off the cloud by the end of today, but I am not convinced that she will!!!

The first Steller's eggs has hatched and the second egg should hatching the next couple of days, it will be fun to watch on CCTV, you should be able to see it on the website, I hope! They will do a good job rearing as she is a great parent as is the male.
Hare is out and could have gone loose today but for the wind, Karis is close to ready, Fortina is back flying free and we have two more kites to add to the team, I hope to get them to six by May. My Hobby is flying beautifully, I am really pleased with her and my Red Kite is being awful to everyone except for me, which is a nuisance. The female Spectacled Owl is much improved and doing well.
The fire is alight and Sedge is happily lying in front of it, he does love a good warm fire.



I have to say that keeping a weblog can at times become compulsive and at other times a chore. Sometimes I am berrated for not keeping it up and sometimes I get wonderful comments from people who follow the news of the Centre.

It is fun to share the daily goings on here, some good and some bad, some funny and some sad, but all a part of our daily lives.
And as I said before its a pretty cool to be here and it is a great place to visit, you should try coming and watching the birds and meeting the staff and of course the dogs.

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An interesting video on Lead

An interesting video on Lead

I find it staggering that people who want to hunt don't see the value in changing their ammunition from lead to a safer product. We have stopped using lead in petrol, in paint, in our water pipes, but they still want to use lead - ah well, apparently eating it not only kills birds but leads to reduced intelligence in humans......................

NO ONE is asking you to stop legal and genuine hunting, they are just asking you to change your ammunition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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